Whether you are managing a small or big project, you need such dashboard in your report.
Single page, Excel dashboard showing Time, Performance and MP Resources. it is very easy to customize and edit. you just need to fill the data as per your project and the charts will be adjusted automatically including the Gantt chart.
In the left side, you will find the numerical information of each section. For Example,
- In Time Update Section, the forecasted completion date is mentioned against the planned completion date and the project total delay.
- In the Performance Update Section, you will find the % Actual progress against the % Planned Progress with % Variance.
- In the Resources & Manpower Section, you will find the Planned MP in a comparison with the actual manpower and the variance is included as well.
The Gantt Chart as shown in this dashboard is fully customized and can be edited and adjusted to fit with any project as a summary to your schedule, just fill the data in the data entry sheet which included in the same Excel sheet and try to fit with only 10 lines.
Please note that this dashboard is sponsored by Chartenia